  • While you can return Colorless colorless cards to your hand with this ARTS, because Colorless Colorless is not a color, you may not select Colorless Colorless as a color for Rainbow Art's secondary ability.
    • This happens even if the card has Multi Ener because Multi Ener only pertains to payment of cost.
  • You cannot select the same color twice, and therefore cannot activate the color's ability twice.
  • You can still activate this ARTS's secondary ability if you are unable to return either a spell or SIGNI. In this case, you can only select 1 color.
    • If either there is no spell in your trash or no SIGNI in your trash, you still can only return 1 of each to your hand.
  • You may select the cards paid from the Ener Zone to the trash for this ARTS's cost and return them to your hand by this ARTS's ability.
  • You must resolve the abilities of this ARTS in the exact order they are listed.
    • Therefore, you must first check the Red Red color ability, then Green Green, then Blue Blue. You cannot change the order, such as checking the Green Green color ability before checking the Red Red color ability.